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The safety of people on all PBS sites is the top priority for us. We are committed to our structured Workplace Health & Safety procedures and we are continually striving to comply with the Ministry of Labour’s workplace regulations of safety.
As a matter of policy, the company recognizes that health and safety risks are inherent in any projects it undertakes and has implemented a pragmatic, people-focused, companywide approach to ensure a zero-harm working environment and the fundamental belief that work related injuries and illnesses are preventable.
Site-specific safety plans and systems are developed for each project and release to all stakeholders.
Included in the plan are:
Site Induction Procedure
Site Safety Requirements and Toolbox Meetings
Requirements and Procedures for Inspections and testing of Equipment
Hazard Identification and Hazard Control Procedures
Evacuation Plans
Site Safety Audit Procedures
Accident Investigation and Reporting Procedures; and
Subcontractor Safety Management
We maintain a full time Health & Safety Manager, who oversees the entire spectrum of health and safety related issues distributed across the company.
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